Angela Churchill and Jennifer Benn outside Simply Feet chiropody and podiatry clinic

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Treatment Menu

General Footcare

Nail trim and file, hard skin and corns painlessly removed, foot filed. Concludes with a soothing foot massage using luxury foot cream.

Approx. 30 mins

Nail Bracing

This is for the correction of an ingrowing or involuted toenail, without the need for an operation and is a painless procedure, leaving your nail realigned and healthy.

Approx. 30 mins

Express Pedicure

Heels sanded smooth. Nails cut, filed and finished off with a base coat. Then 2 coats of polish in a colour of your choice (french pedicure available too), and a top coat, concluding with foot massage with cream.

Approx. 20 mins

Therapeutic Hot Wax Treatment

Warm wax infused with essential oils is applied to the foot to soothe and relax, increase circulation and super hydrate skin leaving it moisturised and smooth. Particularly beneficial for people with poor circulation, cold feet, arthritis and dry skin.

Approx. 30 mins

Nail Trim and File

Nails trimmed and filed, foot sanded and finished with a soothing foot massage using luxury foot cream. 

*not suitable for fungal, infected, or ingrowing nails

Approx. 20 mins

Foot Spa

Nails trimmed and filed, foot sanded smooth. Starting with a foot soak to help tired and aching feet to cleanse and revitalise, followed by a foot scrub to smooth and finally a foot massage using luxury foot cream.

Approx. 30 mins

Ingrown Toe Nail Treatment

Experience immediate pain relief with a conservative treatment to gently remove offending nail spur.

Approx. 30 mins

Verruca Treatment

Includes consultation to assess treatment plan. Maximum 6 treatments.

Approx. 30 mins


1st treatment


Follow ups

Add Ons

Extra treatments for General Footcare and Nail Trim and File appointments only

Therapeutic Hot Wax Treatment

Warm wax infused with essential oil is applied to the foot to soothe, relax, and increase circulation, leaving feet super moisturised.

Approx. 15 mins

+ £18.00

Nail Polish

Base coat, 2 coats of polish in a colour of your choice (French pedicure available too), and top coat.

Approx. 15 mins

+ £18.00

Other podiatry treatments available:

  • Bunions, seed corns, hard skin
  • Verrucas (warts)
  • Cracked heels
  • Fungal infections, including athlete’s foot and fungal nails
  • Foot pain (e.g. plantar faciitis, metarsalgia)
  • Orthotics
  • Footwear advice
  • Diabetic testing

* Prices are calculated per visit